Let's stay safe together
Nicole Noel Salon takes your safety seriously
We are advised and consult all safety procedures with a trusted physician who is up to date on all the latest information available.
We are proud to share we have had zero cases of salon spread!
Nicole Noel Staff is fully vaccinated
While we believe in everyone's right to choose what is best for them as well as privacy, we feel comfortable sharing that the entire staff at Nicole Noel Salon is fully vaccinated.
We do not take our masks off around other staff members and have meal/rest breaks alone.
Enter the salon at the time of your appointment (not early, unless you phone and see if your service provider is ready for you).
One Person per Appointment
No friends, family, unless they are receiving a service.
The only exception will be children who are getting serviced and we ask the parents stay in the waiting area if possible while the service is being performed.
Health Check
Upon entry we will be checking temperatures & sanitizing hands.
We ask for you to monitor your own health/temperature (as well as those you are in close contact with) and if there is any change to let us know so we may reschedule your appointment in advance.
Food & Beverage​
We are not allowing food/drinks while inside the salon.
You are welcome to bring food/beverage items or order food delivery and it will be kept in our client lounge. When you would like a break please let us know and we will show you to the client lounge where you can enjoy them.
You can book online at www.nicolenoel.com via the "Book Appointment" tab.
We are operating at limited capacity until further notice. To help ensure you continue to get appointments that are convenient for you, we highly suggest you schedule your next visit before leaving the salon.
If you wish to make any changes to the services you are receiving please give at least 72hrs notice.
If you or someone close to you are not feeling well we ask that you don't take any chances and please reschedule. We are allowing the cancellation fee to be used towards your rescheduled appointment.
Color Appointments
Please arrive for your color service with clean, dry hair.
We will do our best to keep you clean but ask that you do not wear your favorite clothing, we are not responsible for stains.
Face masks are required to enter the salon. Upon arrival you must sanitize your hands.
Masks must cover mouth & nose inside the salon at all times, please do not remove them while looking at your hair.
Face masks must be of behind the ear design. No behind the head attachments, scarves or bandanas will be allowed. Mask must cover your entire nose/mouth the entire appointment, if you are getting color and would like a break just let your stylist know and we can arrange for you to go to the client lounge during your processing time to go outside for fresh air.
If you are uncomfortable wearing a mask, this might not be the ideal time for you to visit the salon and we look forward to seeing you at a later date.
Social Distancing
We will continue to offer a private room to social distance.
We ask that you continue to be mindful of physical contact and distancing.
If you are uncomfortable at anytime please let a team member know or text 203.456.3093 to let us know privately.
We will keep the windows open so long as the weather allows.
We have a specialized filtered air system to provide maximized air circulation.
An electronic receipt will be sent to your email address on file.
Gratuities can be cash or you can use your card.
Our Promise to You:
• We will wear a face mask while providing services
• We will wash our hands before and after every guest
• Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the salon
• Salon will operate at limited capacity
• We will clean, disinfect and sanitize between guests
• Constant cleaning of high touch surfaces
• Sanitized smocks will be provided to every guest
• Our staff will undergo daily wellness checks, for your protection and theirs
Your Promise to Us:
• Arriving on time for your appointment and come at the time of your appointment.
• Wearing a face mask for the duration of your appointment. Please wear a face mask that loops around the ears.
• Social Distance.
• Although things might look & feel different, we want you to relax and enjoy your appointment.
Express Service Options:
for those who want to minimize their time in salon
Express Single Process:
Current clients can now book an Express Single Process. Your color will be applied and you can head out the door to shampoo and condition at home.
Express Single Process & Haircut:
Current clients can now book an Express Single Process & Haircut. Arrive with clean dry hair and we will begin with a dry haircut. Then your color will be applied and you can head out the door to shampoo and condition at home.
Express Dry Haircut:
All clients can now book an Express Haircut. Arrive with clean dry hair and we will preform a dry haircut.
Express Wet Haircut:
All clients can now book an Express Haircut. We will shampoo and cut your hair and you can leave with damp hair, or choose to add a treatment mask.
Thank you for reviewing these items and respecting this process. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us by email. Remember safety comes first and it won’t be like this forever. We appreciate your continued loyalty and support and look forward to better days ahead!
With love,
The Nicole Noel Team